Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Salsa in the Mix

Salsa Revolution have been lucky enough to have Carmelo Dance Company, one of London's hottest up and coming Latin dance groups perform for them this Thursday.

Performing and debuting their brand new salsa show, before it travels around the world. So this is my chance to be amongst the first in the world to see it and best of all its right on my doorstep.

"I've been lucky enough to see them in rehearsal and they work really hard, I was out of breath and my muscles started aching just watching them rehears. I forget how many times I said WOW and I hadn't even seen the finished version."


Monday, August 11, 2008

Salsa & Latin lifestyle

I have had a lot of request for Latin lifestyle, I have been ask to feature salsa dancing, music & fashion, as a keen salsa dancer myself I have not got a problem with that, you can expect to hear about the hotest dance clubs in the UK & about bands, Congreses, dance shows, I have some videos from the Salsasplash down in Hayling Island last week & some great review, so watch this space.

Don One

Aint No Sunshine Now He's Gone.... Ike

Isaac Hayes died yesterday(10 August 2008) aged 65 and so passes another legend in the pantheon of music(dom). His name will be remembered and his works live on and on. I had the good fortune to meet the great man and sit down and rap with him on several occasions. He was indeed an imensely humble character and a gentleman of the first order. He was an inspiration to me and a giant in the industry. He told me many stories about his exploits which I would love to share with you all at some more appropriate time in the future. The nature of these are such that this would be an inappropriate time to recount them here and now. Let us all give a big sigh, wipe that tear from the eye and celebrate the works of this great man now sadly deceased.

I Stand Accused Isaac Hayes


King King

Sunday, August 10, 2008


My peoples! Construction of the site is going great... i LIE! It's going absolutely fntastic! We have developed a number of really cool features that you are just going to love. I have been sworn to secrecy; but I can tell you that over the coming weeks you are going to see a dramatic increase in the content material that we will be featuring on this site. We have some exciting new bands and individual artists who will be plying their beautiful musical wares and regaling us with excellent original and cover material, that I know you are all going to love. (Well most of you at least) In all we have some 350 new videos/acts sitting in the archives being written up as we speak and this will mark an important landmark in the progression of the best of unsigned and new material available to you in any one place on the net. I kid you not my "peops" they represent the very best of what is out there on two of the five continents. The other three landmasses are being scoured for material as I write this and we will be presenting them to you as and when they come in.

I would like to take this oportunity to say a big Hello to our viewers/readers/listeners/lookers and friends in Mexico. We value your patronage and intend to feature loads and loads of artists, bands and material from your neck of the woods in the not too distant future.

I am in the process of compiling some really interesting material that is not specifically music related but still excellent entertainment and I hope you will tune into the section which will be coming onstream shortly. This will represent my personal view of things available on the net including: dance, theatre, poetry, politics, philosophical and cultural debate, humour, scandal, outrage, film, video and essentially those things that I enjoy that will give you a little insight into what makes me tick. I don’t expect you all to understand or even subscribe to the things that I enjoy but for those of you who do... We are going to have a blast. And Hey... Lawyers at Mixit... Chill... This ones all down to me. Tell the fuddy duddy’s NaySayers and the inheritors of the MaryWhitehouse brigade to address their writs to King@cyberspace.cum... Dig it. HaHaHa Lets get this show on the road.
