Sunday, May 17, 2009

Eurovision 2009 - Conclusion

Another Eurovision song contest came and went, of course it was as glitzy as ever, but were the songs any good... Well our own song frankly was a bit naff - like a Disney song from a 'straight to video' sequel... Despite this, Jade did a damn good job and so the UK came a respetable 5th.

Norway stormed into the lead, but I am unimpressed ... it was an impressive performance, visually but I am not struck on the singing or the song! Greece, despite looking more like a dodgy George Michael video, was pretty good - but I felt that the German, Swedish and the Azerbaijan entries all had more merit...

Still it is over for a year, and hopefully Andrew Lloyd Webber will be off our screens for a while (nothing against the TV shows, I just find him, and crap reality tv a bit annoying!)

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