Thursday, July 3, 2008

don't RIP Don Bingo & Yoda...

Where have they all gone ? Yoda & Don Bingo ? I spent my formative university years in Sheffield Hallam Uni - occasionally attending the odd lecture and of course frequenting what was the best live music venue around - an old swimming pool called the deep end.

I saw some truly awesome. and some truly awful bands not only there but in the students union ... disapointingly not only has the deep end sunk, but so have these top bands! Don't get me wrong, Sheffield has produced some of the better bands - it is just that too much quality has sunk without a trace (so has the Deep End, with a bit of scandal).

This morning on my mobile, a song by a group formerly known as Don Bingo brought a smile to my face, they imagine Crash Test Dummies but a English Northern version (think US 'the Office' vs the Gervais original)

"Living in the open sky.."

If anyone knows what happened to "Yoda" or "Don Bingo" or that band where the white guitarist had dreadlocks and the lead female perpetually bounced (definently she needed de-caff)
I am just a tad disapointed that so much talent in the worlds gone today... Mixit is all about helping raw talent - shame we can't revive the dead.

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